More cheese!

"Don't let a formal education stop you from learning"

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

PG BC and Beyond...

It's been almost a year since I moved to Prince George to climb some trees. A lot has happened in that time but there is just too much to write about it all. I moved out west without ever seeing the city that I would be living in and I didn't have any expectations. I'm really liking living here and I'm meeting tons of people that like to try everything just like me. This place is filled with theme parties and outdoor adventures. I thought we had some outrageous parties in Hammer town but this is a whole new level of party mode from pin-up parties to ice-man olympics. It's gone by fast but I've enjoyed every minute. I'd like to write that I'm going to keep up with this blog but since my last post was in 2006 I think it's realistic to say that my next post will be in 2012. I'm going to climb some more trees this summer and do some more thesising.